About the project

Doctorate in Universities of Excellence

The project has as goal creating the national of framework of the research quality international assessment, building a programme of execellence in Romanian universities and developping the capacity of scientific publication. 
The project was prepared, submitted and gained by UEFISCSU at the first competition of projects financed by ESF – OSPDHR. Other four major projects destined to improve the Romanian tertiary system are together with this project.

Project Manager - PhD. Eng Ioan DUMITRACHE 
Vice-Project Manager  -  PhD. Prof. Gheorghe CATA-DANIL

The project was prepared, submitted and gained at the first competition of projects financed by the European Social Fund, the Operational Sectorial Programme of Developping Human Resources, by the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, by the Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding , the National Council of the Scientific Research in Higher Education, N.C.S.R.H.E., and the National Council for Financing Higher Education, N.C.F.H.E., together with other four major projects destined to improve the Romanian tertiary system.

The full presentation of the project here


General objective - Elaborating, testing and implementing a methodology ...

The strategic Project "Doctorate in Universities of Excellence – Research Assessment and Support for Scientific Publishing" has as General objective  elaborating, testing and implementing a methodology which should enable the international assessment of research quality in universities, sustaining centers of excellence, as well as increasing the capacity of scientific publication at an institutional and individual level, with an impact on the doctoral programmes quality. 


General objective - Elaborating, testing and implementing a methodology..

  • Specific Objectives - there are 4 specific objectives... ...more

 Project Partners

  • Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding ...more
  • UNESCO – E.C.H.E ...more
  • The Romanian Academy ...more
  • The National Authority for Scientific Research ...more
  • The National Council of Rectors ...more
  • National University Research Council ...more
  • National Financing Council for Higher Education ...more

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January 2025

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