The increase of the capacity for scientific authorship


 Through the professional training of the post-graduates, an important result will be the significant increase of the capacity for the capitalization of the scientific knowledge in universities, which will trigger/determine the sustainability of the higher education system and research for the forming of the human resources for the development of the knowledge society in Romania.
The book of training for the scientific…. Will be printed and multiplied on DVD support for dissemination, being available in a great number of copies after the finishing of the project and will be ready to be accessed within the project platform.
The increase of the capacity for scientific …. will be done through general and specific training sessions, which will approach concrete cases of data processing in order for a top class scientific article to be written.
The collaboration in the area of scientific research of a great number of users at national level will be made through the IT platform of “Knowledge Sharing Platform”. The post-graduates contribute to the dissemination of the knowledge through collaboration and creation of topic/thematic networks with other researchers within the research system in universities.


Activities for WP5

The activities of the work package WP5

Support materials “Training in scientific authorship”

The materials can be downloaded in PDF format

The fourth training session in scientific authorship

September 24- 25, 2009, Politehnica University of Timisoara

The fifth training session in scientific

October 29 – 30, 2009, University of Bucharest, Aula Magna

The sixth training session in scientific authorship

Between November 26 and 27 the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia will host the sixth training session in scientific….

The seventh training session in scientific authorship

December 10-11, 2009 – The University “Petrol and Gases” of Ploiesti This session took place between December 10 and 11, 2009, in the Lecture room AP9 (Petrom Lecture Room) within the University “Petrol and Gases” of Ploiesti

Events' calendar

January 2025

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